Of course we are A NON-PROFIT ORG. and rely upon donations to be able to do the work we do, please contact us for further info...479-866-0112
Thanks, Ronnie
We hope you enjoyed our website and ask that you take a moment to sign our guest book.
Lil Paws All Breed Rescue, Inc.
Washburn, MO. 65772
Re: Proud Owner of Scruffy, the yorkie :)
Yorkie Lover | 06/11/2011
Brandy | 05/22/2011
I love the website! Gia is the sweetest and most loving little yorkie! I love her so much!!
Great Job
Rosemary Ross | 04/26/2011
Thank you Ronnie for being the wonderful man you are! God bless you!
good job
mary hudzinski | 02/06/2010
being an animal lover too i would do the same thing if i had more room
Daddy | 02/06/2010
This is something you were meant to do. You have always loved your dogs and been an advocate for all animal rights, so this just gives you another outlet to help the animals lucky enough to cross paths with you. Keep up the good work son. I am proud of you. Dad
Anita | 02/08/2009
I just sent a referral to you - a kid going around my 'neighborhood' (as it were) asking if anyone lost a little beagle mix. She's a sweet dog, but no collar. He's going to call you soon.
Our Little Friends
Gina | 02/07/2009
Thanks Ronnie for all that you do for all the homeless and unloved dog's out their. Your a blessing to all who know you.
Love ya!
Doing What you like! It's about time
T Walls | 02/05/2009
Luv Ya ! You have a big heart. Now where is my doggie in the window.....
Elizabeth Jean Watts | 02/03/2009
Bless each and every one of you for helping these animals. I love animals too and think they need to be protected from such places as the dog pound. My heart goes out to you for helping them.
Rufus (my rottweiler) & I both say "GOD BLESS YOU"