Please Don't Buy From Pet Stores

02/02/2009 11:59


If your planning on getting a puppy in the near future please consider adopting from a shelter or rescue. When you purchase puppies from pet stores or off the internet you are actually contributing to animal abuse. About 90% of the animals being sold in the pet stores come from puppy mills or back yard breeders across the country. The puppy mills are non regulated and almost always are found to be in implorable and disgusting conditions. I've never seen one of these places fit for any living creatures. The poor animals are neglected, sickly, starving and in horrendous living conditions. They breed the dogs over and over for profit, never considering the fact these animals have souls and are they are helpless creatures dependant on man for their survival. Please, please do not support this kind of treatment to these animals. Save the life of a shelter dog and give it a second chance. You can find pure breeds or mutts there, all of them are begging for someone to adopt them. If a shelter is not fesible then contact a rescue organization, they are in all citys and towns across the nation. They usually have a web site with all available rescues listed there along with their picture and information pertaining to the indiviual dog. Help save a life, do the right thing, you won't regret it...I promise.